Firm Offer
of Credit Basics
This resource resource is intended for informational purposes only and IS NOT legal advice. We always recommend consulting with internal legal counsel and compliance teams to ensure compliance with FCRA regulations and case law.
To mail Prescreened data, the Client must be approved by the credit bureau(s). Once approved, the offer must be submitted for approval to ensure compliance with FOC guidelines.
Under law, purchasing Prescreened data requires lenders to:
Extend an offer to consumer
Include opt-out disclaimers
Provide the offer if all advertised criteria are met
A Firm Offer of Credit may be extended through telemarketing, email, or direct mail. Scripts, emails and mailpieces to be used must be reviewed and approved by the credit bureau.
If the phone number is invalid, it is highly recommended that another contact attempt be made through a different medium.
If the email bounces back, it is highly recommended that another contact attempt be made through a different medium.
Direct Mail
Change of Address processing is advised to ensure best effort is made to provide an offer to the specific consumer in question.
Short Opt-Out Disclosure
Long Opt-Out Disclosure
Pre-qualified verbiage
A specific dollar amount