How can you best avoid duplicates?
How you handle duplicate records in your program settings will likely vary depending on the type of data you’re targeting. Below we’ve included explanations for each method and general pros and cons of each to help you with your decision.
Per Household
Returns one record per household. For example, if both spouses have a record, you’ll only receive one.
Those who have same address but different last names will still be included.
You will not receive duplicate contact information and, if applicable, limit the number of Firm Offers of Credit you’ll be required to sendAgainst:
You may not receive records that have different contact information, or may exclude a responsive household member instead of a non-responsive member. -
Per Individual
Returns one record per individual. For example, both spouses would be included.
If sending a Firm Offer of Credit, an offer would need to be extended to both records.
You’ll receive all opportunities for contact, including contact information that is different for multiple members of the same household.Against:
May receive duplicate address and/or contact information for different individuals; variations in name on record may result in duplicates. -
Per Address
Returns one record per address. For example, if there are multiple generations living at the same address, only one individual will be included.
The same is true for spouses.
The most conservative option, this keeps you from sending multiple letters to the same address and limits the number of Firm Offers of Credit you are required to send.Against:
May exclude non-traditional arrangements where multiple families live at same address, will not receive individual-specific information.