Campaign Scope
This data is generated from consumer search and browsing history. Signals indicate consumer is searching for a specific type of product, allowing Client to reach consumers early in the decision process.
Data Recommendations
See what recommendations we offer for marketing towards prescreened pre-trigger data, including: settings, common criteria, common outputs.
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Take a look at our most commonly asked questions and answers.
Billing Terms
Learn about our billing term options extended to Client.
ROI Calculator
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Firm Offer of Credit Basics
A Firm Offer of Credit (“FOC”) is required for any offer that includes information provided by the credit bureau, also known as Prescreened data.
Vantage or FICO
See the difference between the Vantage and FICO models to help determine which you want to use.
Duplicate Detection
Read about different options for avoiding duplicates in your data.
These recommendations are provided for campaigns using Prescreened Pre-Trigger data. This data is generated from consumer search and browsing history. Signals indicate the consumer is searching for a specific type of product. This data includes credit information provided by the credit bureau(s) and requires approval before purchasing, as well as compliance with FOC guidelines.
FGS recommends a lower mailing frequency with Prescreened Pre-Trigger data. As it is not time-sensitive, mailing less often helps to reduce overall expenditure for Client. Weekly drops are advised, though some cases may warrant an even lower frequency.
FGS recommends First Class Mail for Prescreened Pre-Trigger Data due to its higher delivery speed. This allows Client’s offer to reach their audience ahead of competitors. Learn more about mailing First Class.
FGS recommends a few mailpieces for Non-Prescreened, Pre-Trigger data to help minimize cost and stand out from other commercial mailings.
1) Double Window Envelope: Double window envelopes are our standard mailpiece and have proven success. FGS recommends using minimal print on the envelope and a compelling, official message in the return window.
2) Postcards: Postcards are a great low-cost mailing option for starting a campaign as it keeps initial costs down.
Below are our recommendations for this type of data. *Some fields have additional cost, as indicated by asterisk.
Campaign-Wide Settings
Per Individual
Per Household
Per Address
For pre-trigger data we recommend Per Individual. Since it is based on behavior signals, this will allow you to receive multiple individuals exhibiting these signals within the same household.
Bureau selection is based on availability. We highly recommend Equifax being in last position because it has a greater lead cost than other bureaus.
(1) TransUnion
(2) Experian
(3) Equifax
We usually recommend suppressing credit pulls/applications and Do Not Contact lists. For pre-trigger we’d also recommend suppressing any leads generated online to avoid purchasing the same lead.
For pre-trigger data we usually recommend suppressing previous orders for 30-60 days (based on preference). This allows time for contact but also allows you to make another offer if they are still exhibiting in-the-market behaviors.
We advise excluding leads with delinquency indicators that would keep them from being approved. While this will vary by lender, below are some of the most common:
Consumer has ever had a bankruptcy filed: No
Consumer has ever had a real estate foreclosure: No
# of Mortgage Trades 30 days past due in past 12 months: 0 to 0
# of Mortgage Trades 60 days past due within 12 months: 0 to 0
# of Mortgage Trades 90 days or more past due within 12 months: 0 to 0
Common Criteria
Mortgage: Purchase, Refinance, HELOC, Reverse Mortgage, General
Insurance: Overall, Auto, Health, Life, General
Other: Real Estate, Financial Services, Home Services, Education, Jobs, Auto, Legal
1 - 30
350-850 (See Vantage or FICO)
Common Outputs
First, Last
Address, City, St, Zip
Current loan amount
Estimated AVM value
Estimated loan-to-value expressed as percentage
Selected category or categories
Individual’s score as provided by the credit bureau
Current Lender for individual